Mark Meadows, Budget Buster!

The Mother of Positive Feedback Loops

Andrew Rodwin
Blow Your Stack
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2022


Cortisol molecule. Public domain.

Cortisol. The “stress hormone.” Not a great look. Even for a hormone.

Think about it. Larry Schleming, the stress date. Left swipe.

If you’re chased by an African buffalo, cortisol signals your liver to release glucose so you can shimmy up a baobab. That’s acute stress. Most people today suffer from…



Andrew Rodwin
Blow Your Stack

Brain Labs publisher. MuddyUm co-editor. Comedic phonemes in MuddyUm, Slackjaw, Greener Pastures, Jane Austen's Wastebasket, and more.