In answer to your question - neither. You're using a rhetorical device called a false choice. I'm not playing that game.
You can pretend capitalism doesn't exist if it makes you feel better, just like you can pretend it's not raining if you're caught in a storm. The term "capitalism" is a human construction to describe a state of affairs. Just like the word "eggplant" is. To say they don't exist has no meaning, because they are labels.
Most of what you wrote may or may not be true, but has no relevance to the points I made.
No, i did not describe a difference between dictators. I described a difference between capitalists. You made an attempt to convince me otherwise but your arguments are unconvincing. Your logical linkage between Rick Steves' Europe and oligarchy reads like a bunch of fifty cent words linked together arbitrarily and incoherently.
FYI, I am no fan of big company capitalism driven by short-term thinking. I am a big fan of an immigrant family running a business like a restaurant to make a profit to pay the bills. That's capitalism. It may not be the kind of capitalism Marx discussed, but it's capitalism.
I'd attempt a more detailed response but frankly your prose is so opaque it's hard to penetrate.