Glad to have you aboard!
Four requests. If you do these four things, things will go much more smoothly than if you don't, and we will both save a lot of time and avoid frustration.
1. Follow Brain Labs.
2. Re-read the Submission Guidelines *carefully* before submitting.
3. Proofread your article *thoroughly* before submitting it. Strongly suggest you use Grammarly or Hemingway.
4. Read at least three BL articles. I know you are busy. You will learn how to target your content for us by getting a personal experience of the content we publish (and by extrapolation, what we don't publish.)
You may be tempted to skip these steps. When people do skip them, it often results in time wasted for them and for us.
We don't have to agree with your points, but may push you to bolster the credibility of your arguments.
We do have high standards and don't accept every submission.
Thanks for joining Brain Labs!